Greetings from the west...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

We have three Alaskan Coastal Brown Bears- 1 male Michael and 2 females (Russell and Claire). We just found out that we'll be getting 5 more AC Brown Bears- three 1 1/2 year old males and 2 6-month olds (one male, one female). They are on their way here, so they should be arriving within the week.

Michael in the Brown Bear drive-thru Posted by Picasa

Me with Michael during his knockdown for a route canal and physical Posted by Picasa

My hand vs Michael's paw Posted by Picasa

Russell in the sand box Posted by Picasa

We have 4 American Black Bears- 2 males (Ricky and Little Boy) and 2 females (Chonchita and Little Girl)

Ricky, our largest Black Bear Posted by Picasa

Little Boy hiding in his culvert. Posted by Picasa

Here are some photos of our lions. We have 7- 2 males (Keno and Ariyeh) and 5 females (Cheyenne, Mugadi, Natasha, Sadie, Etosha).

Keno on the sundeck. Our males are a rare subspecies of lion, which gives them the dark color in their mane. Posted by Picasa

Me and Keno during his knockdown for a route canal Posted by Picasa

One of Keno's many dreadlocks in his mane. As you can guess, we can only brush them during knockdowns. Posted by Picasa

Ariyeh, Keno's brother. They are from the last litter born at the Safari 14 years ago. Posted by Picasa

Cheyenne and Ariyeh Posted by Picasa

Cheyenne, I think she's actually yawning here but she sure looks ferocious Posted by Picasa

Etosha, our youngest lioness, in the drive-thru area Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sadie with a bloodsicle (sure its a little gross, but they sure love them on hot days) Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006

our place on parrott st. these were taken early may Posted by Picasa

frontyard Posted by Picasa

backyard Posted by Picasa

backyard carport Posted by Picasa

living room Posted by Picasa

my awesome ikea table (thanks mom and em!) Posted by Picasa

dining room Posted by Picasa

bedroom Posted by Picasa

sun room Posted by Picasa

kitchen Posted by Picasa