Greetings from the west...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Next, it was off to Misty Meadows Jams. Now for those of you that are Discovery Channel junkies like us, you'll recognize this location from the show Dirty Jobs. They did in fact have a couple group photos with Mike Rowe on the wall. They said he was a great guy, really funny and the whole crew was really good to the staff. Also of Dirty Jobs fame, we drove past the cranberry bogs and shingle factory where Mike also put in time.

As we were near the location they shot the movie "Goonies," it was a little unnerving to see this ship sailing along the horizon… One-eyed Willie? Sloth? Chunk? Hey you guys!!

At the Simpson Reef, part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, we were greeted by the unmistakable sound of marine mammals. All available flat, exposed rock was covered with Stellar and Californian Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Northern Elephant Seals.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda & Chris, that's really cool that you got to visit Misty Meadows Jams... unfortunately I only have seen the place as shown in The Goonies and Dirty Jobs. Looks like you had fun!

I wanted to give you guys a heads up on the Dirty Jobs special coming soon... it airs on Tuesday, July 29th, at 9PM. It's part of this year's Shark Week and has Mike Rowe following the quest for the mysterious Greenland Shark. It's going to be a good one...

By the way, I hope you don't mind me contacting you like this. I figure you'd be interested in the news. I work with Discovery and have the inside scoop, so feel free to contact me back if you'd like more info. You can also take a look at the website here:

Have a great day!

Shawn Grover

11:43 AM  

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