Greetings from the west...

Friday, July 11, 2008

The next morning, we rode the Magic Mile lift up to 7,016ft. My Dad, having divulged his fear of heights, gripped the handrail like there was no tomorrow. The 11,245 ft peak of Mt Hood looms behind my parents.

After our ride, we went to the ski lodge, where we met classic animal figures… Smokey the Bear…

and Bruno, the iconic Timberline St Bernard. Through out the history of Timberline, they have always had St Bernards around the lodge for their rescue abilities. Bruno is still young, but he is learning fast… He had free range of both the ski lodge and the hotel until he discovered that he could go into the restaurants, wait for people to pet him, and steal their food off the table! Now, he's confined to the Gift Shop.
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