Greetings from the west...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

On our way back to the coast, we passed Ancient Lake Morse. Chris' very own lake! The sign reads "Thousands of years ago, a great ice sheet from Canada flowed south through the Puget Sound and west through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The ice sheet abutted alpine glaciers flowing from the Olympic Mountains. As warming occurred, meltwater from mountain glaciers was dammed by the ice sheet, forming ancient Lake Morse."

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention… "Continued warming caused the ice sheet to withdraw, draining the lake."

We took the ferry to Whidbey Island. To the east across the Sound, the Cascades peaked through a wall of clouds. The island ended up being swarmed by Seattlites "roughing it", escaping the city for the weekend. We ended up in overflow camping, paying three times as much as usual, sleeping on gravel, surrounded by massive RV's, all sounds of nature blotted out by the big screen blaring through the trees…
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